Wednesday, December 22, 2010

iOS Game Center Icon Overlay

In case you missed my sample icon I used in the Icon Set Creation Tool, I was using a nice Game Center logo, like all the other social gaming providers use. Well to my dismay I found a post on the Apple developer forums that "we" are not allowed to the Game Center logo in our apps icon. Now I'm not sure its specific to the full size logo which would be pretty dumb, right?

<begin side discussion>
Apple really screwed-the-pooch on this whole Game Center branding... they are playing it like they are too cool for branding like OpenFeint and the others use... but lets face it, Apple is ALL ABOUT branding...
</begin side discussion>

Anyhow... got me thinking.

Here is my rendition of a Game Center overlay that you can use for your app, no credit required. If you want to make it better please just drop me a line and I'll share the PSD file with you.

Upper Left logo

Upper Right logo

Lower Left logo

Lower Right logo

You can also download a ZIP FILE HERE.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

iOS Icon set Creator


I was updating the icon for Easy Lander and was annoyed every time I wanted to see the update in the Simulator or on my device because I had to take my new 512x512 icon and resize it, a few times.

<fanboy alert!>
This is why I love using a Mac! - AUTOMATOR to the rescue!
</fanboy alert!>

So here's what the Automator workflow does:
Asks for your 512x512 icon image then duplicates it, scales it and renames it, rinse and repeat until all five (5) icons are created.

Icon@2x.png = 114x114
Icon-72.png = 72x72
Icon-Small@2x.png = 58x58
Icon.png = 57x57
IconSmall-50.png = 50x50
Icon-Small.png = 29x29

The workflow WILL NOT overwrite any existing files so make sure to put your 512 image in its own folder.

1000 words.....

Test folder with 512 icon (can be named whatever you want)

Launch Automator app and click the Run button...
Browse to and select your 512 icon file
This is where the "magic" happens (lol!)

Completed folder with shiny new icons, yeah!

In the zip file is a second Automator "application" named "Create iOS Iconset Droplet". You don't run this application you simply drop your 512 icon onto it and the magic happens... sweet right? I know... :-]

Download link CLICK ME

Friday, December 17, 2010

iPad & iOS 4.2

Now that I have used iOS 4.2 on my iPad for quite awhile now, I can emphatically state that the iPad does NOT have enough system memory to fully support multitasking!

Yup, I said... :-/

More times than not I switch from one app to another and the app is not in the background and these are apps I know support multitasking.

Mark my words, the iPad 2 will have at least twice the memory, if not three times.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

iTunes Holiday Shutdown

Just noticed the part about any price changes... YIKES!

iTunes Connect will be temporarily shut down from Thursday, December 23 to Tuesday, December 28 for the winter holidays. Do not schedule any pricing changes to take effect during this time. Changes scheduled between these dates will make the app unavailable for purchase. Note that any app with an available date scheduled during the shutdown will not go live until iTunes Connect access resumes on December 29.