Friday, September 11, 2015

Unity 5.x Screenshot Manager

After watching one of the dev log videos for Limit Theory, I wanted to duplicate his screenshot functionality.

Basically after pressing the screenshot key a nicely framed window displayed the screenshot and offered "Confirm" and "Delete" buttons.

I whipped this up in my Unity 5.2 but honestly there's no reason it should't work all the way back to Unity 3D 4.6 (<- completely untested mind you).

You can download the unity package right HERE.

Here is what it looks like in action:

Package has an Instructions.txt file along with prefabs.

Do let me know if you find it useful.

Current version 1.0
Date: Sept-11-2015

Enjoy :)

Friday, April 17, 2015

Unity GitIgnore Installer

I whipped up this Automator action to install a "universal"?? .gitignore file into whatever folder you need. This is usually the projects root folder.

I will LINK to this excellent write-up about how to configure Unity for git.

Here's the v0.1 DOWNLOAD.


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Rename SpriteBuilder Project

So, unless it's easy to rename an existing (like for example a nice game starter package); it will be pretty un-helpful to publish said examples.

So... off I went to discover the steps involved in the renaming process and it boiled down to TWO major steps.

1: Copy and rename the .spritebuilder file (bundle).
2: Once duplicated, rename it - make sure you conform to the standard SpriteBuilder limitations (USE NO SPACES).

3: Right-click and choose "Show Package Contents" to open the bundle folder. Just rename the .ccbproj file.

4: Double-click the Xcode project to open Xcode and proceed to STEP TWO.
In our example we are going to rename "StarterGame.spritebuilder" to "AwesomeProject.spritebuilder".

1: Once open in Xcode, perform a normal rename via the "Name" field in the right column.

Afterwards I usually close and exit Xcode then open the new project in SpriteBuilder, publish and use the shortcut to open Xcode.
