A quick search on the Unity Answers section led me to an Editor based(1) script that would create a full project export; including the Settings folder. Sweet!
Here is the script, in all its glory!
using UnityEditor;To "run" the script, after installing just look at the menubar for "Tools" and then choose "Full Export".
using UnityEngine;
public class FullExport : MonoBehaviour {
[MenuItem("Tools/Full Export")]
private static void NewMenuOption()
string fileName = "FullProject_Export.unitypackage";
AssetDatabase.ExportPackage("Assets", fileName, ExportPackageOptions.Interactive | ExportPackageOptions.Recurse | ExportPackageOptions.IncludeLibraryAssets|ExportPackageOptions.IncludeDependencies);
Debug.Log(fileName + " is located in this projects root folder");
You can download the script already set inside an "Editor" folder which is inside an "_Exporter" folder.
(1) Editor scripts MUST be located inside a folder called "Editor". The folder can be a subfolder AND you can have as many as you want(2) .
(2) Just like the "Resources" folder, they can be scattered through out your project and all will be merged when building your app.